
WWP keeps spreading love for website developing and inspire everyone not having a website, to get one as soon as possible. Find out even more reasons why everyone needs to get a website these days.

If you are reading this, you probably already want to get a website.

Here’s a great infographic explaining why make your own website. Wiki Web Pedia thanks Marketing Director at Sensible Internet Tom Cumpsty for the enjoyable infographic and interesting commentary on the stats in his post Why You Need A Website.

Web Design Infographic Infographic by Sensible Internet

Now, relax. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Breathe in deeply through your nose and follow this mantra: “I need a website. I want to get a website. I have to build my own website. I. Need. Website. Like. Air.” Murmur this mantra until you really start your own website 😉